< Lifestyle

Hobbies and Intrests

Travis Scott

Music and Friends

Some hobbies in my everyday life is keeping in touch with my friends, and listening to music, and every so often, mix the two and listen to music with my friends. During the pandemic, it is pretty tough to meet up with your friends since I find myself to be more social in face-to-face interactions and always am open to meeting new people, however, we find many alternatives to still keep in touch with one another.

Gimme a Message!

As for music, I really enjoy music and listen to Hip-Hop as well as many other genres. Some artists I enjoy listening to are:


Basketball, without a doubt is one of the biggest components to my life and enjoyment. I was introduced to the sport by my older siblings and enjoyed playing, watching when I was in grade 2, and my love for it has exponentially growed ever since.

I've always been a really big raptors fan, and I can watch, talk, and play Basketball for hours. I've involved myself in Basketball teams at school for a number of years and always enjoyed playing with others. This, in a way relates to my social life since I believe something like Basketball brings many people closer, since it often goes beyond the sport, something I greatly admire.